Many women love to buy discount leather handbags to carry around with them. But unfortunately they don’t know how to care for them properly. That is why their purses often become stained and are impossible to clean. Here are some tips that you can use to take care of a leather handbag.
Deep stains – Deep stains like wine, food, and blood ought to be cleaned from a leather purse using a paste. Mix one portion of lemon juice and one portion of tartar, then apply this paste to your stain liberally. Allow it to sit for about ten minutes, and then wipe the paste off. Finish up by cleaning as well as cleaning your handbag.
Recondition the leather – Help maintaining your handbag’s stain resistance and flexibility through maintaining the purse every six months. Blend one portion of white vinegar and two portions linseed oil together in a bowl. Dip a cloth into this solution and then rub it onto the bag using little circular motions. Allow the solution to soak right into your purse for about fifteen minutes. Then you want to use a different cloth that is dry to buff your leather bag until it’s got a gorgeous shine.
If you are looking for a new bag or a good selection of unique purses and clutch purses. There are many things there to choose from for your house and for yourself. You are going to find lots of great things to buy there.